The legacy of a community is determined by its acts of kindness and values - not wealth alone.
Our vision is to operate for the promotion of the social, emotional and spiritual welfare of persons in the world, alleviate human suffering and distress, and to bring hope to humankind. We are a registered not-for-profit organization.

We achieve this goal by:

  • Supplying educational and technological resources that will provide Social and Economic Growth.
  • Collaborating with traditional and emerging solution-based organizations, and help facilitate the physical and financial supply chain to drive the quality of life at all levels of society.
  • Investing in communities, based on the slogan, "Invest In Kindness", from a single act of kindness to building a legacy.
  • The four areas of focus are Education, Small Business & Entrepreneurship, Energy & Wellness and Sustainable Communities.

    New Education Models To Develop Agile Workforce

    Project 01

    New Education Models To Develop Agile Workforce

    Technologies have enabled development of faster and efficient education programs. New models of education are geared towards connecting remote communities and developing agile learning skills for deployment of products and services efficiently.

    • Objective: We focus on education through online and offline computer tools that enables world-class pedagogy reaching remote populations.
    • Strategy: Partner with market-based organizations and develop a flexible workforce with learning tailored towards specific community needs.
    • Action Plan: During the recent recession years companies that have an agile learning and innovation environment are proven to be more successful. We bring this learning curve to developing world communities to help disparate workforce to produce faster.

    Nurture Energy-efficient Entrepreneurial Communities

    Project 01

    Nurture Energy-efficient Entrepreneurial Communities

    Small is the new normal. Small business is the back bone of a developed and developing economy equally. We facilitate implementing energy efficient entrepreneurial communities in every community.

    • Objective: Develop small business with an entrepreneurship culture in local communities through training, local mentorship and micro-financing opportunities.
    • Strategy: Low cost innovative building materials, improved funding models, sustainable energy models, Small business training, neighborhood support services and security systems are some areas of focus.
    • Action Plan: Bring in creative and ease to funding mechanisms through CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) projects and linking them to local communities.

    Converting Energy Into Wellness

    Project 03

    Converting Energy Into Wellness

    There is a clear global disparity between communities that are finding solutions to energy and wellness issues and communities that have never dealt with these issues at all. This disparity can be solved through connecting the feet on the ground organizations with alternative energy and wellness solutions. Our network affiliates and corporations invest in such communities.

    • Objective: The opportunity for localities to control their own energy sources and not be dependent upon foreign sources is an enormous incentive.
    • Strategy: Both industrialized and under-developed nations have epidemics from obesity to malnutrition. Identifying energy independent solutions that promote wellness and healthy living is a win-win situation for small to large communities.
    • Action Plan: Alternative energy sources such as Wind farms, waste-to-energy converter with turbines, algae growing, photo-voltaic cells, energy shingles, energy cells, solar, geo-thermal are alternative energy sources that are becoming efficient and cost-effective and packaged into our solutions.

    Developing Healthy Communities Organically

    Project 03

    Developing Healthy Communities Organically

    The family unit is the cornerstone of societal growth. A stable family tends to create a stable community. We, however, live in a time of a changing family structure. In many cases, coping has replaced nurturing as the motive of parenting. Through virtual or face-to-face education and mentoring systems, stable structures can be cultivated individual and families and thus grow healthy communities.

    • Objective: To deploy continuous learning to build healthy local communities and not just products and services.
    • Strategy: Mentoring and Support Groups to improve relationships within families and communities to nourish spiritual and emotional health.
    • Action Plan: Connect the education resources to entrepreneurship culture to develop and promote local resources and a higher standard of material and emotional well-being.

    About Us

    En Agape is a US based not-for-profit established in 1975 that facilitates various programs in the areas of Education, Small Business, Energy, and Community collaboratives worldwide. There has never been greater opportunity to do more good for the diverse and growing population to work efficiently and communicate faster. As technology expands, research, education, communication, idea exchange must come together to build and implement sustainable collaborative solutions. No one group has all the answers but many have and are now working at creating and applying solutions in segmented areas.

    Team work

    To achieve our mission, apart from our solid management team we actively connect with our network partners, engage specialists to bring in best value. To compete with constant changes our non-profit community service model is setup as a networked organization, retaining flexibility by using/ offering services needed with affiliate partners that has similar values and sustainable solutions.

    Professional Code

    InvestInK maintains high level of professional and ethics code and respects a strict ethical code in projects undertaken. It will renounce any investment or action that does not correspond to criteria related to sustainable development or a lack of respect for human and his environment. InvestInK will conserve resources placed at its disposal and always ensure that services offered are of the highest possible quality. All work engaged will be carried out responsibly, with integrity and provided on a 'best effort' basis.



    Get Involved

    Volunteer Opportunities: There are several short-term and long-term volunteer opportunties available with En Agape. For consideration kindly send your interest and bios to volunteer(at)

    Donate: There are several ways donations can be made, from online payments to goods in kind. All donations are tax-exempt in the US.